Goddess Sound Stream to listen and download.
The Song of Harmonic Balance draws in the energies of the moment in time when the Luna and Solar vibrations are in perfect balance for the Equinox. this song was channelled at the September 2017 Equinox.
To download CLICK HERE
NOTE: After clicking the link, then right-click on the soundbox and click “Save Audio As” and the mp3 file will download to your computer.
NOTE Use the back arrow on your browser, to return to this page.
Listen to this Sound Stream. Whenever you are feeling out of balance, overloaded or in need of upliftment.
Please use a headset for these songs. The sound goes directly to the Pineal gland and vibrates through your higher spiritual centres.
Repeated listening is extremely effective for balance and harmony. Repetition allows the cells to continue to vibrate at a higher rate.
NOTE: Mp3 Sound files can be played on your computer with Windows Media Player or Itunes.
The song of Resonance was channelled in May 2017 before the full moon. As we emerge out from a time of retrograde. Four planets have been affecting us in their retrograde motion and are now direct. Shining bright from their influence of reflection. Out of this period of reflection, we emerge with new ideas and thoughts on what to bring next into our lives for the coming months.
This song is symbolic of the gentle ebb and flow, like a quiet sea lapping at the waters edge flowing out into the ocean of possibility go our creations. Gently move into the coming months with those new thoughts, ideas, processes, creative movements and keep faith in all that you do. Hold the light of the Children of the Sun close to you in faith that the time of the great shift is near.
To listen to The Song of Resonance
Download The Song of Resonance CLICKHERE
Then right-click on the blue soundbox and click Save As and the mp3 file will download to your computer. NOTE Use the back arrow on your browser to return to this page.
I look forward to hearing about your experience. If you like this song leave me a comment below.