Here’s the latest Goddess Sound Streams
The Song of Mary & The Song of Love
Channeled by Amaliah Grace.
Listen to this Sound Stream. Whenever you are feeling out of balance, overloaded or in need of upliftment.
Please use a headset for these songs. The sound goes directly to the Pineal gland and vibrates through your higher spiritual centers.
Repeated listening is extremely effective for balance and harmony. Repetition allows the cells to continue to vibrate at a higher rate.
NOTE: Mp3 Sound files can be played on your computer with Windows Media Player or Itunes. It is unnecessary to have a special mp3 player for these files.
To listen to The Song of Love. A song to resonate your heart chakra.
To download Song of Love CLICK HERE
To listen to The Song of Mary
To download The Song of Mary CLICK HERE
Then right click on the blue sound box and click Save As and the mp3 file will download to your computer.
I look forward to hearing how my sounds and songs assist you. Please leave a comment below.