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Below are your gifts to download, my value giving back to you for your support with my special writing project.

Several years ago I began to channel Mary Magdalene and within my story Igniting the Cosmic Dance are several sections where I experienced profound connections with the Magdalene Flame when its energy returned to the planet.  Included below are the two channellings by Edwin Courtney the renowned British channel. The first writing  instigated the ceremony I conducted with my friend Karen, in November of 2004.

PART ONE  Channelling by Edwin Courtenay Magdalene Flame

PART TWO   Roses of the Magdalene by Channel Edwin Courtenay

You can listen to the songs by clicking the bar below.  To return to this page use the back arrow on your browser. 

To download the songs onto your device, click the link below the sound bar. Then right click “Save audio As.” and it will be in your downloads folder.

Song Of Mary

Song Of Love

Song Of Harmony 1

Resource Guide for a Loving self