Hello everyone,
Well what a time we have been moving through. Maybe that is an understatement. I apologize to you all for my hibernation, for I realize that you may have felt deserted and needed my Goddess Sound Streams to carry you through the challenges of the past six months. I would like to explain and am certain you may see a parallel in your life with mine. For what affects the ONE affects all.
Over the days of the great shift of 21-23rd December 2012, I sat in the divine alignment with source floating for five days in pure light. In this vibration, BEING was all that was asked of me. Since that time I have continued to be in the vibration of just being and have experienced no energy pushing me to work on my online business, staying more and more away from being in action and outward mode.
However in saying this, I have been asked to become practical in the current day with my survival by creating a more practical income for myself, so that I could work towards having my own home to rent. Apart from my healing business, I am also a teacher of Argentine Tango and have since February restarted teaching this wonderful dance form and built up a small group of people whom I teach in my area. This has taken a lot more energy and focus for me than I expected. It has also brought me to have a more active physical and social life.
The great shift of 12th December 2012 – end of the Mayan calander
Since the shift of 21st December 2012, I have found that the higher dimensional vibration I experienced at that time was with me continuously. I only needed to stop for a moment and could feel the same connection I had to source as I did through the shift. This led me to no longer meditate as frequently. I realize that everything has its place and time and I flow with the energy that directs me and was unable to push myself to be out of alignment with that energy. But now I am being directed to come back into supporting others towards the new order of spirituality that is growing with the ripple of change in consciousness on the planet.
For years Light workers have been working diligently towards the end of the Mayan calendar, to take Earth forward into the light of the Golden Age. Now we are past that moment in time and it is as though we have lost momentum and focus. So what now we ask ourselves? What is our next purpose? Life continues and we are still here. But we still have work to do both individually and collectively, for the world is not yet in a state of peace. This may take another century before our vision for Earth is realized.
I understand that as a result of the shift, we are being re-calibrated and that it takes time to do this. Many of us have felt lost, without direction, floating downstream without a paddle. I feel we are in a place in time, where our futures are yet to be written. I have a sense of no-time. The recalibration process is allowing us to find and emerge forward with our next intent to create our futures. We are continuing to learn to love ourselves at every moment through our personal challenges, and beam that love out to others as we go through our normal and extraordinary lives, manifesting form into reality.
Setting new intentions
I know when I am uncovering major patterns in my DNA that I am not alone with this.