Soul Signature Shahid

The Soul Glyph is a symbol that can be worn or physically looked at, the Glyph is unlike geometry in the sense that is known upon the Earth; however it is Universal in the sense that it is your connection to the Universal Grid.  Upon seeing the Glyph, you should feel immediately a sense of comfort and reconnection to ALL THAT IS.  It speaks to the unspoken part of yourself, your inner knowing.

Different Glyphs come together as a whole.  Each line is apparent cosmically and in the Earth Matrix and the matrix of other Universes.  The Glyph is an ascension tool and tuning into it you may find your unique Soul Sound.


The power of symbols is great for they express more than words can.  These Glyphs are keys to unlocking the unspoken and bring to the forefront the all knowing light of creation.

These Glyphs are brought through Amaliah with the assistance of Thoth and she has worked previously with these symbols before in stone, on gold discs and in one particular lifetime as adornment on the body for funeral preparation so that one might find the Soul Space with ease and the path to ascension clearer.

Symbols and Glyphs each emanate subtle sound waves at a very high frequency. Sounds of Resonance come forth on different frequencies, which can be heard clairaudiently. Some people can feel the resonant frequency whilst others can hear the high pitch sound resonance of each Glyph or Symbol through their clairaudient gift.

Sitting with or wearing the Soul Glyph may activate dormant codes of cellular memory to awaken latent soul gifts and talents from times of enlightenment and alignment with ONE.  These glyphs are the gifts you carry from the Soul in service to humanity.

Soul Glyph Artwork is created with Gold paint on black A4 paper.

Cost AUD$126 plus $20 for postage

Email Amaliah with your interest. Please put on the heading Soul Glyphs.