Twenty years ago if anyone had told me that I would have my book, my personal story of transformation sitting in a bookshop, I would have possibly laughed at them saying, “I’m not sure that I can achieve that!” I did, however, have a germ of an idea to write and I engaged in a six-week creative writing course. One morning a week, for 6 weeks, we met and learned tools and approaches on how to write. Warm-up exercises that got the flow of words moving. Also each week we focused on one element and discovered words that described a taste or the sense of smell. This was surprisingly difficult. I began writing the above book in 2010 and finished what I thought was the end of the story on New Year’s Eve entry into 2012. But that was just the first overall text.
Make a commitment to write your reflections for at least an
- Write snippets of conversations you have with family and friends.
- Write descriptions of places you like to visit – the beach, the mountains.
- Write the things you like to do – have coffee in a cafe, ride a bike, dance or tai chi.
- Write your feelings and relationships to ideas.
- Just WRITE!
A new client found me through searching on Kindle for books on Light Language and after reading my story booked a Soul Signature sound code and ordered a CD. Hi there Sigrid, I just want to acknowledge the courage you have stepped towards for your own development. I asked her if she could write a review for me on Kindle. She responded that she had never written a review before, but would give it a go. Here is what Sigrid wrote.
Excellent and extremely inspiring spiritual journal
I absolutely loved this book,
The book vividly describes her opening
The descriptions of the places she travels to are so lively you can imagine yourself there being part of it all…….